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this is my know-how an english writing.
first of all i only write down subject what i want to write on my blog.
if you're lazy person. at least you can write down one subject right?
after that. i do whatever i want. drink coffee, read a book whatever.
but meanwhile writing work still bug me. because i didn't finshed yet.... so naturally I'm gonna write on my blog.
my secret is using of feel unsettle.
how about that sound?
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[영어일기]불필요한 대화 금지
these day. we're not allowed to make a phone and conversation while the train.
because your saliva could be deliver to someone. it could be dangerous you know.
sad, right?
but on other hands, there is a good thing though.
there is no one try to stick their's nose into other's business in the subway
and also cult people.
those people used to bug me..
for instance when i was in train. there are a lot of empty seat. but i didn't wanna sit there.. i don't why reason.. but. as time went by. my leg was asleep
so i at the seat. and out of the blue. some woman was try to talk to me. it was informal word. it's not common happen here. even though you're older than me or not.
i really hate the people do that. i just wanted to relax. being alone..
but nowadays
no one try to talk to me.
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(영어일기) 쇼핑몰하는 친구
one of my friends is an owner of shopping mall.
you know.. he said
if you start online shopping mall
it much better to start off thinking about a particular client.
for instance. shopping mall for tall people, shopping mall for women who has big chest...;;;
they said it's important to make specific subject.
i don't know why reason yet.
but i think it works all the time.
i remember restaurants that the name of signboard was we good at 짜장면. as soon as i saw
I thought Besides 짜장면, they must've be good at other food.
no wonder there were a lot of good food.
how about this idea?
#영어일기 #매일한줄 #혼자하는영어
[영어일기] 오바마 연설
yutube has give me some good idea.
i watched one video where Obama speech.
i remember one thing
every singer one of you has something that you're good at that.
that what he wanted to focus on that day. why am i think about that right now.
because i was always compare to someone all the time.
my friends one of them is rich, or business man, get married awesome woman.
i was kind of jealous to them.
but one of important thing is i couldn't focus on good thing. because there were no time to fouce on my good thing. i spent jealous to people and talk behind someone back. you know what i meat.
if i had fouce on my good thing. circumstances would change?
i need you to not make it worse like me.
just be yourself.
i like a writing. sometimes i feel like can wait to write on blog. even though there were few subscribers. of course my writing skill is not good enough.
may i could be writer. or maybe in my future im gonna be good enough.
i wanna point out is don't waste your time.
there are plenty of time to focus on yourself.
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[영어일기] 크리에이터
people not interesting in other's thought and life.
that's my opnion.
actually all people are snobs.
im 100% snob.
i really enjoy to get pay attention from people.
that's one of personality of snob right?
that's why people using social media.
social media comes from that background
and my mother said.
you're the only kne who care about your look.
i totally aree with that..
nowaday all young generation wanna jop speak or write. for instance yutuber and bloger.
they also make bunch of money.
you shouldn't just look at good thing. there are always pros and cons. you should know about that.
one of famous creater said keep in mind this business has off-season like your company.
it's totally different from your situation where get payment all the time
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i uesd to be nosy to everything
i feel like embarrassing when i say i don't know. feel weird. because no one knows everything.
but i figure that honest people gain someone's trust
my coworker was ill. few years ago.
he stopped by hospital. had checked couple of test.
doctor said
i don't know why you sick...
weird, right?
my understanding is that profession knows everything...
anyway my coworker was getting trust him.
he got feeling he's honest people.
i believe that only way to aviod argument is to tell them truth.
when i joined one of reading club.
and one girl suddenly blamed me. that's totally nonsense middle of my speech..
actually it was so rude...my opinion could be wrong.
but she couldn've talk to me later..
do you know what i said to her?
i didn't talk about that.
and keep my mouth shut...and she did too
i wanna point out is if i start argument with her.
we would mudslinging. i noticed about that.
and just said that i have no idea with that..
solve the case.
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(영어일기) 스키장?
i have bad memory with ski resort.
because i was there for work when i was 28
MBC Broadcasting station.
that was my first jop.
some of them was kind of envy me. but my first jop is not that good. i bet..
i was hardly sleep. only place i allowed sleep was in the bus. i could sleep on my way to filming location.
do you know what happened skipped sleep.
inside my mouth was bleeding often. losing my nail.
that's why i need you to not apply for broadcasting Station
if you happened to meet celeb. you wouldn't happy. because you passed out by work.
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(영어일기) 회사에만 의존하지 말걸
one of regret things in my life is i was rely on ex-office.
boss was struggling with money...and he had to layoff 5 employees including me.
so i got laid-off.
i mean i had bunch of time to focus on
but i didn't....because i was too lazy to start it.
i should have prepared yutuber or something.
i was silly. i shouldn't have rely on payments.
i mean i could've start blog and yutube or something.
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