
(영어) 초급에서 중급으로 +51

as i got older
i started work out
i try to 3 or 4 times an week.

it's not easy of course
because nobody can concentrate at home.
when i feel procrastinate
i just decided
im gonna work in 10 minutes

if i don't feel keep going after 10 minutes
i would be stop.

but that hasn't happend yet.
that's really good way to make good habits

#영어일기 #매일한줄 #혼자하는영어

ive sturdy so hard recently

i was not like that.
i used to don't like study any kind.

so my mom look at me
when i study in my room

she would say
if you had sturdy hard like that.
you would get seoul university.

sounds like familiar with that?

i think all parents would say like that.

#영어일기 #매일한줄 #혼자하는영어공부

this is my old habit

as soon as i get up i study english for 40 minutes

some of them said that morning time is really important in your life

so i just copied it
that's my secret
if i found out good things
i just copy it

either way it does fit me or not.
if i Don't like the way
i just threw it

it feel great all the time after I've done my study every morning

i feel like get though all of stuff in a day.

#혼자하는영어공부 #영어일기 #매일1줄