
how can i protect my eyesight as getting older.

kind of different questions.

I'm the only one who has bad eyesight in my family.
my mother always wonder and asked me who's your mother? because my family are not wear any glasses except you.

i think i spent whole time to looking on the screen like computer and smartphone.

maybe that's why i wear glasses right now.
one day, i just wanted to stop it. my bad habit.
so i decided to put my smart phone on the desk. which is far from my bed.

there is one thing I've notice about my habit is i can't wait to using my phone where it close to me. you know what i mean. so addicted.

and also i didn't know that obesity can cause my eye problem. before i read article.
i was shocked i don't care of eating habit.
but they said it could be worse.

i think I'd stop to eat late night snak.
that's my old habit

they also recommend that adult to get eyes test for every 2 years right?
the last time i checked my eyesight are 0.4 right, 0.2 left. it was an year ago.

keep your healthy is your full time jop.
im 100% agree with that. because you can't do your work if you have bad body condition.

i knew the one who has amazing it skill. i mean it engineer. but he had sitting down on chair too much. he got lumber disc. i decided not continue his jop even though he has ability.

he was like one thing i feel really regret is i didn't care of my health.

it's just because not eyes problem. it's just because to protect your health. you should take care of eating habit or work out or something.

but i know
decline eyesight is really natural thing as getting older.

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