[영어일기]SNS를 잘 이용하기
there are many tip for people to get many people in social media. for companies they need always customer all the time.
that's why they made a lot account on social media
I've got tip how to get people more in your social media.
1. write down hashtags properly.
if you someone looking for how to deal with mean people on yutube. he probably see a title and hashtages at the same time.
people don't wanna watch useless information and waste of time.
2. post at the right time.
if you share your video on yutube. it would be better to share at 6pm. they said korean tend to watching on yutube from 6pm to 11pm
i didn't know that. so i wasted a lot of time..before.
i think i joined the kakaotalk at the first time in social media. all korea people feel the same way. it was incredible. you can check other people read your massage. and there is no extra fee while you using.
of course there are plus and minus. you can chatting with your friends and also unfortunately your boss chatting with you at the same time.
my boss used to send the massage at night. even holiday. feel sucks..isn't it?
he thought he deserved that.
that's why i trun on sleep mode my phone after work.